It's Never Too Late To Live

Current Dream

Excellent Pianist Sight-Reader

  • To be able to read and play most pieces put in front of me with little or no preparation.
  • To be able to play those pieces with enough accuracy for them to sound good, be recognizable, and to keep up in collaboration with other musicians.
  • To be able to confidently accompany myself and others.

I dream of this because I want:

  • To be able to play almost anything I want or that others would like me to. There’s so much music out there to experience and with great sight-reading skills, I can play and experience more of it!
  • To be able to accompany myself and others so that I can play and perform more often. I enjoy performing and collaborating with others.

I dream of this because I don’t want; I’m tired of; I don’t like:

  • Feeling like I’m missing an important part of being a great musician. Sight-reading is such a respectable skill and I feel like I am lacking in being the best musician I can be without it.

I dream of this because: 

  • Ever since I was a kid/teenager I have dreamed of being a good pianist. Specifically being able to quickly and accurately convert written notes to musical sound. I think it is the coolest thing that we have figured out how to write down musical sound, and with the proper skills/abilities, be able to read that notation and make music from symbols on a page regardless of whether you’ve heard the music before. It is a language. A way to share music with others through writing.  
  • I have a keyboard.
  • I can read music.
  • I can sight-read simple songs slowly and only in “easier” keys: C, F, G.
  • My treble clef reading skills are much better than bass clef. 

The Process / Journey


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3 Videos

What else I'm working on


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